Vintage Italia Galleria – A look back

Driving Miss Sofia - Vintage Italia
Alfonso and Sofia


Welcome to our Galleria

We are pleased to bring to you images from our ever growing collection of vintage Italian photographs.  Each of our black and white treasures are records of time captured within the paper borders of the photograph.  To date, some of these photos go as far back as the early 1900’s.


What makes us want to collect vintage snapshots of people and places we don’t even know?


This isn’t a simple question to answer, however, I’ll try to give you one that makes sense.  First off, we look for things that spark our interest.  What might that be?  Perhaps it’s the expression on the subjects face, maybe it’s a smile, a frown or something in between.  It could also be the surroundings in which they were photographed that peak our interest.  

Most of all though, it’s a feeling we get when we first see that must have image.  It’s a feeling strong enough to makes us say, “You shouldn’t be lost in this pile of old photos.  You’re coming home with us.  We have some friends who would like to see you.”


Vintage photographs are the memories of photographers and their subjects from another time.


When I look at a vintage snapshot, I get to see the world through the eyes of the photographer as witnessed by them decades earlier.  How did life unfolded for the people in these photos we now hold?  I would like to think that their lives were lived well.


So once again, welcome to our Vintage Italian Galleria.  We will post new photos on a regular basis.  Drop by anytime to see what’s new in the days of old.  We hope you’ll enjoy.