Beautiful blue sky contrasting nicely against sunflowers and honeybees near Rimini, Italy.

The Italian Blues – More than a feeling

Beautiful blue sky contrasting nicely against sunflowers and honeybees near Rimini, Italy.
Curing the blues with sunflowers and honeybees

Oh no… here they come again

There comes a time after every trip to Italy, the inevitable will occur.  The return of the Italian blues. Don’t laugh, it’s a thing! Well, it is for us anyhow.

After recently spending just over a month in Italy, you would think that we would be content after such an amazing trip. Nope, its the complete opposite if anything. Being back home just reinforces the fact that we need to go back as soon as we can, to resume our quest to discover all that is Italy.

There are still so many regions to visit and so many things to see. Each time we return, our must see list gets longer instead of shorter.

Grey skies give us the blues

the blues are a by product of the greys... days that is!
Lush green grass means rain, rain and more rain!

The only thing worse than feeling blue about leaving Italy, is coming home to what is arguably one of worst summers on the prairies that we’ve seen in decades. Now, I hate being that weather whiner guy but, come onYes, this summer has left us a touch cranky.

I will confess though, things could have been worse. We could have been here for the whole soggy spring season. Fortunately, we had the month of June in Italy which gave us a month of blue skies and hot, hot temperatures.  It’s our friends and family we feel bad for!  These poor souls have had to endure rain filled, overcast days the whole time we were away.

A cure for the Italian blues

The blues of the Ligurian coast line by Camogli, Italy.
Blue skies and blue waters

Let’s face it, unless we’re in Italy drinking cappuccinos on a patio, there is no cure for the IB’s (Italian Blues). The best we can hope for is that we make it through the day without weeping.

That said, we have a few tricks in our toolbox that help us take the edge off the IB’s.

The first trick is to visit our favorite local Italian cafes and restaurants, just to get a bit of a taste of Italia. It’s not the same, but it is something!

Next we revisit all the places we’ve previously been to in Italy via photos we’ve taken while in country. This way we get to relive our happy times in our happy place by simply swiping through images on the computer.

Last but not least, we start planning our next trips to Italy. What places will we see next or which places will we see again? This step will keep us busy for months and months. There’s no time to be blue when you’re planning an exciting holiday, now is there?

Being blue isn’t always a bad thing

To make this point, we here at OIR would like to share with you photos from Italia capturing the color blue. Blue skies, blue water and all things featuring the color blue.

Perhaps you may be suffering through a case of your own blues. If so, this might be the incentive you need to begin making your own plans for an Italian vacation!